

What Makes our House a Home

What Makes our House a Home We hunted for a while. For a house that would become a home in a neighborhood that would become our community.   We also wanted a project. We wanted a home that we could create, and given the specific area we wanted to live in, it was almost a given we’d have to tear down some things and build some things to get what we wanted. To make a house our home.  The first project kept us living with my in-laws for almost six months and I’m still here to tell about it. We opened […]

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beer spa room

I am going to the Spa…..the BEER SPA

A person with a past negative spa experience found renewed appreciation for spas during a trip to Waco, Texas. This was due to discovering a unique service at the Pivovar brewery, spa, and restaurant – the Beer Spa. The experience consists of soaking in a combination of beer ingredients, which reportedly offers numerous health benefits. The author appreciated the relaxation it provided and affirmed being a fan of this unique spa experience.

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giving the gift of home

Giving the Gift of Home

Giving the Gift of Home A few years ago, giving the gift of home was not on my mind.  If I’m honest, my wife is the giver of the family. She’s wired to give and does it without thinking, sometimes much to my dismay.  I think more along the lines of- There could be an emergency! Any emergency at any point in time! And what if there is! We need to save that! Keep that!  It’s part of my personality, part of my disposition to value stability, consistency, to be risk averse.  Sometimes that can be seen as me being

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new orleans, louisiana, usa

New Orleans: A Study in Pairing Things Well

New Orleans is a study in the opposites of poverty and deep wealth and pleasure and sin. This melting of cultures make it a unique city unlike any other.

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