
giving the gift of home

Giving the Gift of Home

Giving the Gift of Home A few years ago, giving the gift of home was not on my mind.  If I’m honest, my wife is the giver of the family. She’s wired to give and does it without thinking, sometimes much to my dismay.  I think more along the lines of- There could be an emergency! Any emergency at any point in time! And what if there is! We need to save that! Keep that!  It’s part of my personality, part of my disposition to value stability, consistency, to be risk averse.  Sometimes that can be seen as me being […]

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How to Put the “Home” in Office

Whether you work entirely in an office, exclusively remote, or a combination of the two, where you work can impact your productivity.  And those around you.  And given that we usually spend more waking hours working than anything else, it’s important to consider how to design an office space that feels like home, meaning that it provides a level of comfort and wellbeing that allows productive work to happen.  I found over the past year or so that I had zero desire to work in my home office.  It was cluttered, cramped and lacked functionality that made it a place

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