The Kitchen Remodeling Journey: The Before Photos
When another burner went out on the stove and the fridge went on the blink again, we decided to bite the bullet and fully renovate our kitchen. After spending a couple of years trying to continue to repair or replace appliances that just weren’t working and were in locations that just weren’t practical, we embarked on our kitchen remodel journey.
We’ll spend several posts walking you through the steps we took and what we learned in the process and also recommend people, companies, and resources we found helpful.
But first, the before photos:

We’ve been in this home for almost twelve years, and our first kitchen remodel was before we even moved in. We opened the kitchen up to the dining room and added an island.
Also before we moved in, we expanded the space into the old master bathroom and added a pantry. The cabinetry on this side of the kitchen was moved from the wall that originally separated the kitchen from the dining room.

The cabinets were in good condition when we moved in, but not quite our style and the layout of them isn’t as functional as we would like. The oven and stove were here before we moved in. Over time, two of the four burners have stopped working.
Countertops always stay cluttered with appliances in our current design and have to be picked up and moved in order to be hidden. If we can make it happen, we are looking forward to some appliance garages in this kitchen remodel.

We bought this refrigerator about three years ago, and it has been giving us problems from day one! We would not recommend buying this brand.
Although we love our pantry for all the stuff we can shove in it, the layout isn’t great for space maximization. The door always seems to be opened right into the middle of the kitchen which looks bad.

The door to our master bedroom is right off the kitchen and there is no transitional space between the two spaces, which minimizes privacy and noise.
We are embarking on a kitchen remodel journey, and we hope you’ll come along for the ride!
Stay tuned for updates on our Kitchen Remodeling Journey!